Thursday, 5 April 2012

TGS Background

After a particularly boozy ski holiday and another session in the Folie Douce, 'monkeys & bananas' fancy dress on the slopes and 'rock star queens' in the evening, someone made the call that we needed a suitably challenging sporting event to work towards. It would keep us off the booze (ish) if nothing else.
The British Middle Distance Championships, fondly known as the "Cowman", were being held out of Emberton Park 10 minutes from my family home near Milton Keynes. This would give us a good base for a 4am start and 6+ hours of gruelling competition, and so we entered. The title makes it sound grand and important. In reality, they'd let any joker in, including those competing under the banner of Team Gun Show (not a requisite of being a member I hasten to add). 
Team Gun Show (TGS) Members include:
HCD - only female member and logistics assistant / head chef
WJD - HCD's younger brother, in charge of kit and comedy impersonations. Skinniest calves on the team
MW - in charge of logistics, transport and 'risk assessment' officer. One gear. Tight hamstrings
JK - aka 'The Fish'. Has started up a long-running rivalry with MW. Similar stature (arguably lighter) but those 5 minutes in the swim provide MW with quite a considerable challenge on the bike. Tends to get caught in the run. Likes eating potatoes (something to do with his heritage)
CG - probably the lankiest member of the team and provides strong competition to WD in the skinny calf competition. Solid in the mountains and possible dark horse on the day. Likes a good moan
PF - brings up the rear and doesn't mind being beaten by a girl. Provides quick-witted humour even after a 2 hour climb up the Col de la Madeleine. Another potato lover along with car bonnets on Nightingale Lane
CB - technical officer and head mechanic. Doesn't like swimming or running
TB - aka 'The Flake'. Currently trying to wriggle his way out of the Big Woody

1 comment:

  1. CB - I know you will criticise me for this not being the true origins of TGS but, in its current format, I think we probably make up the core group of TGS members in the modern era.
