MW has kindly put together some additional profile information on TGS members for your amusement. Granted, a lot of this is probably in-jokes amongst the group, so apologies if it's not quite as funny as it is to us... it gives you a good feel for some of the participants and perhaps highlights the challenges we face in completing a long-course distance. Doing all this with a gimp-mask on is not easy. Especially when you haven't started training properly yet.

Most likely to say: Supersize the chips
Least likely to say : I have just received an invite to join
MensaNB The size of this photo in comparison to the other images used in this article is not to scale. TB is very short in real life. Width in comparison to height, however, is about right.
Most likely to say: Bring out the g~mp
Least likely to say: Do you think I’ll get that soprano role
in the choir?
Most likely to say: Yes of course we are exclusive
Most likely to say: Yes darling your uncle is the same
person as your father
Least likely to say: I am not organising this
J "The Fish" K
Least likely to say: I’m not bothered its just a friendly
As part of all this MW kindly declined from putting his own profile together so we have done this for him:
M "The Tank" W
Most likely to say: are you sure that is safe?
Least likely to be able to: perform a sprint finish
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